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’FDIC Bankers Discuss ‘Bail-Ins’ To Deal With Impending Market Collapse’

Happy New Year, Family - its been a HUGE “news day” for me today.
Some of it personal, but all of it SHOCKING

And some of it I can’t repeat (but its GOOD) and then there is THIS
A gift - received and now shared. Are you Prepared?

Just a little background, for those who may be new here -

Many people believe that "they have money in the bank" or a 'safety deposit box' - that belongs to them.

Clearly, they probably never noticed a dozen years ago what the provisions of The Dodd Frank Act (2010) entailed - nor do they know much of anything about "money" or the fact that our entire planet was ensnared in a global Ponzi Scheme of worthless currency hundreds of years ago and formalized with the 1913 Xmas holiday "Federal Reserve Act".

I woke up to it as I lived through what took place the 2nd week of January 2007 as a tiny little blurb on MSM set off what they've been calling 'The Great Financial Collapse' of 08/09/10/11 - depending on what country they were in but I was there in the Beginning as I was engaged in my most favorite business of all time - providing entrepreneurs with the funds needed to achieve their biggest dreams and goals as a commercial lender. All before I really new anything about "money" or whom I was in bed with.

So, I've been anxiously anticipating this Reset for at least 15 years that will offer legal, lawful, asset-backed currencies on a transparent platform with Sovereign Paper currencies for 209 participating countries!

Thank goodness for BRICS and the fact that they've already battled with the banksters for years - but the fools did themselves in with the whole NATO/Ukraine nonsense - the cabal banksters aren't very "bright"....just typical narcissistic psychopaths clinging to life.

Once it was clear to everyone that although they'd been able to Pretend/Extend the collapse taking place with many years of extraordinary financial engineering (ever hear of negative interest rates, anyone?) The WEFFERS came out with their desired vision of what they'd like to see happen 2 years ago when they featured Claus Schwabs book and entitled their annual Davos meeting in January 2021 'The Great Reset'

.....which all those with only surface knowledge began battling against (remember they have no clue that they're slaves in a Ponzi Scheme) and thereby delaying this Blessed Event even longer as yes...we do live in a quantum universe where thoughts are real things - but here we are now.

Oh, and there may very likely be 2/3 Resets before we arrive at our ultimate destination - that depends a lot on you and the collective.

Sure do encourage everyone to be prepared for the interruption of commerce for awhile as the ATM cards become nonfunctional, the stores empty quickly, and very shortly - everyone refuses the $1

"Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) officials recently discussed how to deal with the next approaching market collapse and hide alarming data from depositors to prevent bank runs, video of a meeting shows.

The FDIC’s Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee (SRAC) held a meeting in November to discuss how the next market crash would occur and what steps would need to be taken to ensure not everybody tries pulling their money out of the financial system at the same time.

“You’ve got to think of the unintended consequences of taking a public that has more full faith and confidence in the banking system than maybe the people in this room do,” one FDIC member noted.

Video taken from

FDIC Bankers Discuss ‘Bail-Ins’ To Deal With Impending Market Collapse

by Jamie White

January 1st 2023, 12:22 pm

November 2022 meeting shows financial regulators plot how to hide alarming market signals from depositors to prevent a bank-run panic.

"The bankers don't trust the banks," notes financial commentator Wall Street Silver.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) officials recently discussed how to deal with the next approaching market collapse and hide alarming data from depositors to prevent bank runs, video of a meeting shows.

The FDIC’s Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee (SRAC) held a meeting in November to discuss how the next market crash would occur and what steps would need to be taken to ensure not everybody tries pulling their money out of the financial system at the same time.

“You’ve got to think of the unintended consequences of taking a public that has more full faith and confidence in the banking system than maybe the people in this room do,” one FDIC member noted.

“We want them to have the full faith and confidence in the banking system. They know FDIC insurance is there. They know what works. They put their money in, they’re going to get their money out.”

He claimed that although institutions will soon be able to figure out the dire implications of what’s being discussed at the meeting, the general public should not, because that would lead to “unintended consequences.”

“I would be careful about the unintended consequences of starting to blast too much of this out in the general public,” he said.

In a fitting description of fractional reserve banking, another SRAC member lamented that although institutions don’t want to see a “huge run” on their deposits, they likely will soon, which will bring about the need to impose bail-ins.

“People need to understand they can get bailed in, but you don’t want a huge run on the institutions. But there are going to be. And it could be an early warning signal to the FDIC and primary regulators when these things happen,” he said.

Unlike bail-outs, which involve a third party like taxpayers and governments rescuing failed financial institutions, bail-ins are a mechanism in which creditors of a failing financial institution are required to cancel some of its debts as part of a plan to save it from collapse.

One FDIC member claimed this economic “period of peacetime” will soon “flip faster than we saw in 2008.”

“I do think it’s hard to get a lot of demand for transparency right now, in this sort of period of peacetime, but that is going to flip and it’s going to flip faster than we saw in 2008,” he said.

Because of that, he said, it’s necessary for financial institutions to quickly leverage “the social media world” with curated talking points to combat “disinformation” and “avoid rumors taking over the narrative.”

Keep in mind, the FDIC insures $9 TRILLION of bank deposits with only $125 billion worth of assets.

In other words, only 1.3% of its holdings are in reserve.

It can’t possibly insure everybody, especially in a crisis when many people want to withdraw their money all at once.

Therefore, Federal Reserve-orchestrated bail-outs – and thus more inflation – are inevitable should a market crash come to pass."

PS/FYI - The 1.3% FDIC coverage of all US deposits in hand, is because it was never created for Total Systemic Collapse.

And besides, they've always had "99 years to pay" ;)
(ever read the fine print?)

LISTEN to a minute of TRUTH they didn't plan on YOU hearing...


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